Friday, November 14, 2008

A BETTER HOPE FOUNDATION - Trading Heroes for Ghost

A BETTER HOPE FOUNDATION - Trading Heroes for Ghost
Formed in the summer of 2007, ABHF has been
working non-stop. Since their first show in September 2007
, they have shared the stage with Bane, H2O, Outbreak,
Grave Maker, Modern Life Is War, Ruiner, Killing The Dream,
Shipwreck AD, Trash Talk and many more. With a self-released
3 song EP and a self-released 12 song full length under their belts,
called "Trading Heroes For Ghosts" they have toured up
the west coast with friends 7 generations, conquered 5
countries on a headlining tour in Central America, and
are heading to Asia in December to play shows in Malaysia,
Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Philippines. Check out the
poster above (right side) for more info...
Download now!